Help & Resources

Sharing is caring.

Good news for family caregivers! 

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that providing care for a chronically ill or disabled family member does not increase health risk for caregivers. In fact, providing care was associated with a 9-month extension in life expectancy. Science Daily reports.

Caring for older drivers

“Are You Concerned about an Older Driver?” was developed to help families, friends and caregivers facing the dilemma of what to do when an aging loved one is at-risk driving. “Are You Concerned about an Older Driver?”; is, in part, a compilation of the experiences of families and others who have successfully resolved an unsafe aging driver situation. 

New York State Caregiving and Respite Coalition

New York State Caregiving and Respite Coalition is a statewide coalition focused on supporting caregivers, professionals and providers across New York State.

New York Elder Caregiver Support Program

The New York Elder Caregiver Support Program assists informal caregivers – spouses, adult children, other family members, friends and neighbors in their efforts to care for older persons who need help with everyday tasks. Because of caregiver assistance older persons with chronic illnesses or disabilities are able to remain in their own homes in the community.

Office For People With Developmental Disabilities

Supports for Independent and Family Living include a wide array of services that allow an individual to remain in his or her own home, apartment or family care home. 

New York Connects

New York Connects: Choices for Long Term Care is a free information and assistance service to help individuals and families in New York State make decisions about long-term care needs. 

Getting Discharged

Getting Discharged

Today the physician has decided to discharge your love one from the hospital or rehab to home.Most people who are not in the healthcare field get a little scared when they are responsible caring for a loved one. My name is Debbie, I have been a discharge planner/...

How To Communicate With An Insurance Provider

How To Communicate With An Insurance Provider

How to Communicate with an Insurance Provider Before you pick up the phone to speak to a claims representative, you need to gather some information. Be prepared to give the person you talk with: Your name and your relationship to your care recipient Your care...

10 Tips for Family Caregivers

10 Tips for Family Caregivers

10 Tips for Family Caregivers Caregiving is a job and respite is your earned right. Reward yourself with respite breaks often. Watch out for signs of depression, and don’t delay in getting professional help when you need it. When people offer to help, accept the offer...

Caregiver Management Techniques

Caregiver Management Techniques

Care Management Techniques You Can Use Did you ever wish you could just pick up the phone and call someone who would take stock of your situation, help you access the right services, counsel you and your family to help resolve some of your differences, then monitor...

Costs Related To A Fall

Costs Related To A Fall

One in three adults age 65 and older falls each year.
Of those who fall, 20% to 30% suffer moderate to severe injuries that make it hard for them to get around or live independently, and increase their risk of early death.
Older adults are hospitalized for fall-related injuries five times more often than they are for injuries from other causes.

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